IBM WatsonはHALよりもStar Trekのコンピュータの方に近い?
米国のクイズ番組で人間に勝ったコンピュータWatsonは、HAL9000を連想させますが、IBM WatsonのFAQには以下のように書いてありました。
FAQs Watson and Jeopardy!
Is this going to be like HAL in "2001: A Space Odyssey"?
Not exactly. The computer on Star Trek is a more appropriate comparison. The fictional computer system may be viewed as an interactive dialog agent that could answer questions and provide precise information on any topic. A primary goal for DeepQA is to greatly improve information seeking tasks over natural language content but ultimately, we would like to see the underlying technology help make computers more effective at communicating in human terms. Watson uses the DeepQA technology to push the envelope in natural language processing and automatic question answering. A powerful and fluent conversational agent, like the Star Trek computer, is a driving vision for this work.
上記FAQはIBM 下記サイトから引用
IBM Watson: Final Jeopardy! and the Future of Watson
アップロード元: ibm
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